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How it works?

When merchant create Pay Out transaction BetPay gets USDT from his account to convert in UAH and send to customer.

When customer send money to Pay In transaction BetPay convert UAH to USDT and give it to merchant's account.

How to start?

  • Create merchant account
  • Deposit USDT
  • Create Pay Out order

Rates and fee

Payment Method Currency Pay Out Pay Out Min Amount Pay Out Working Hours Pay In Pay In Min Amount Pay In Working Hours Fee
Wise EUR0.894 USDT/EUR 1000 EUR -- - - 0%
Wise USD0.997 USDT/USD 1000 USD -- - - 0%
BankCard UAH42.59 USDT/UAH 4000 UAH 07:00 - 19:0044.54 USDT/UAH 5000 UAH 07:00 - 19:00 0%
BankCard KZT474.99 USDT/KZT 50000 KZT 07:00 - 19:00- - - 0%
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